Spelling_Drill Spelling Drill Form1 Word_Count_Display Working on Word of Right_Pointer pppppp wwwwwp wwwwwp Wrong_Pointer pppppp wwwwwp wwwwwp Label_to_Spell Word to Spell Picture_Right Picture_Wrong Word_to_Spell Num_Right Num_Wrong Label_to_Enter Enter Spelling Here Entered_Word Timer1 Check_Spelling Check Spelling Next_Word Next Word Scroll_Word_Time Label_Display_Time Set Word Display Time Reshow_Last_Word Reshow Last Word Display_Time Menu_Restart &Restart Menu_NewList &NewList Menu_Missed Review &Missed Menu_Exit E&xit SpellWordsMixed NumWords Word_Index Form_Click Shuffle_Words> SpellWordsl Clear_Word_Boxes Word_to_Spell Next_Word Clear_CountersT Num_Right6 Num_Wrong! @ Form_Load Word_Count_Display& Entered_Wordd Menu_NewList_ClickC Caption Word_to_Spell_ClickM Time_Display Scroll_Word_Time Value Display_Time Scroll_Word_Time_Change Num_Words Next_Word_Click CRLFN Timer1_Timer AlarmTime' Timer1 Interval< Enabled) FALSE SpellWordsMissed WordMissed_Index Check_Spelling_Click Visible Right_Pointer Wrong_PointerX TRUEam Clear_Pointersw WordMissedIndex Entered_Word_Change Check_Spelling Entered_Word_KeyPress KeyAscii ENTER Word_Checked Check_Spelling_KeyPress Next_Word_KeyPress SpellWordMissed Label_to_Spell Screen MousePointer HOURGLASS DEFAULT Label_to_Enter Lable_to_EnterV Menu_Restart_Click MsgBoxDemo MB_OKe MB_OKCANCEL) MB_YESNOCANCEL MB_YESNOm MB_ICONSTOP MB_ICONQUESTION MB_ICONEXCLAMATION MB_ICONINFORMATION MB_DEFBUTTON2 IDYES Title DgDef Response MsgBoxRestartX Menu_Exit_Click Spelling_Drill Viewer Menu_Missed_Click Shuffle_Words_Missed NumWords_Saved Reshow_Last_Word_Click Display_Time_Click SneKyesn Shuffle_Words Load array for shuflling Shuffle words in random order# Clear_Word_Boxes Clear_Counters Form_Load Working on word Click on NEXT WORD to get started" {TAB}{TAB} Scroll_Word_Time_Change ##0.0" Next_Word_Click All words have been shown" Review mispelled words or restart" END of Word List Working on word Timer1_Timer {TAB}{TAB}{TAB}" Check_Spelling_Click {TAB}" Clear_Pointers Entered_Word_KeyPress {TAB}" Check_Spelling_KeyPress Next_Word_KeyPress Menu_Restart_Click Define buttons. Define Icons. Define other. Restart Request" Put together a sample message box with all the proper components. Selecting YES will restart this word list" Do you wish to continue?" Describe dialog. ##0.0" Working on word Click on NEXT WORD to get started" SendKeys "{TAB}{TAB}" Menu_Exit_Click Define buttons. Define Icons. Define other. Exit Request Put together a sample message box with all the proper components. Selecting YES will EXIT Spelling Program Do you wish to continue?" Describe dialog. Menu_NewList_Click Define buttons. Define Icons. Define other. Exit Request Put together a sample message box with all the proper components. Selecting YES will Let you select a new word list" Do you wish to continue?" Describe dialog. Menu_Missed_Click ##0.0" Working on word Click on NEXT WORD to get started" {TAB}{TAB}{TAB}" Shuffle_Words_Missed Load array for shuflling Shuffle words in random order Reshow_Last_Word_Click +{TAB}+{TAB}